
  • Suci Rahmadheny
  • Desti Nataria

Kata Kunci:

husband support, childbirth, pain scale


Childbirth is always accompanied by pain or pain that can have a negative impact if not handled properly, because pain can cause tension and panic stress which is the initial condition of maternal and neonatal emergencies. Therefore the role of the husband as a companion for labor is needed to assist the delivery process. This study aims to determine the relationship of husband's support for maternal with childbirth pain in Padang Tongga auxiliary health center in 2019. This type of research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional study approach which was conducted in September - October 2019 in Padang Tongga auxiliary health center. The population in this study were all maternity during September - October as many as 36 deliveries. Sampling using accidental sampling technique with a sample size of 31 people. Data collection in this study uses observation sheets, data analysis includes univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using the chi-square test. The results showed that 58.1% of respondents with poor husband support, 64.5% of respondents with severe pain in labor. There is a significant relationship between husband's support and labor pain scale, statistically obtained p value = 0.021 and PR = 2,1. It was concluded that husband's support for maternity is significantly related to labor pain scale, therefore it is expected to all parties, especially health workers to always increase the involvement of the husband as a companion for labor, in order to help expedite the labor process.



Cara Mengutip

Rahmadheny, S., & Nataria, D. (2021). HUSBAND SUPPORT ON REDUCING PAIN SCALE OF CHILDBIRTH WOMEN. Blossom : Journal of Midwifery, 4(1), 1–7. Diambil dari

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