Factors Related to Pregnant Women Visit in Attending Antenatal Class
antenatal class, knowledge, husband support, distance to the locationAbstract
Antenatal class is a shared learning for pregnant women in groups to increase knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to pregnancy, childbirth, complications, infant care, and family planning. But the application of antenatal class in health care still low. This study aims to determine factors related to pregnant women visit in attending antenatal class in the working area of Lubuk Buaya Health Center in 2018. This was a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design, the study conducted in the working area of Lubuk Buaya Health Center, data collection was conducted from February to October 2018. Respondents of this study were 56 third trimester pregnant women taken by simple random sampling technique. Computerized data analysis using univariate and bivariate by Chi-Square test (p≤0,05).The result showed 67,9% of pregnant women have attended antenatal class less than 4 times. Bivariate analysis shows there is an association between knowledge (p=0,000), distance to the location (p=0,001) and husband’s support (p=0,000) with the visit of pregnant women in attending antenatal class in the working area of Lubuk Buaya Health Center in 2018.Health professionals need to improve socialization about the importance of taking antenatal class for pregnant women. In addition, it needs to consider about the distance to the location and husband’s support to increase maternal visit in the antenatal class.